The Great Adventures of ME and B

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Pineapple Habanero

Meaghan’s first batch of mead, ever. Mistakes were made, and it smelled like trash and gasoline for the first few months, but after three years of aging, it ended up tasting pretty good! Sweet pineapple with a hell of a kick. The mead got darker as time passed, until it was the color the honey began as (see last photo, pineapple mead on the right, mesquite traditional on the left). Finished drinking around April 2021.

Brew Notes


Honey: 3 lbs. of whatever honey Meaghan could find. 2 lbs from Farmers Market, 1 lbs from HT?
Yeast: 1 pkt Redstar Premier Blanc
Water: 1/4 gal Spring Water
Extra: 1/2 gal Pineapple juice. 2 habaneros.

Primary Fermentation Started: Apr 20 2018
Secondary Fermentation Started: May 4 2018
Tertiary Fermentation Started: May 24 2018
Bottled: Jul 18 2018
Drinkable: July 4 2019